
I know you care....

Sheila Weinberg  |  October 5, 2023

Happy Friday!

Because you opened this email, it tells us that you care about your country, state, community, and family. You invest in knowledge. You invest in understanding what's happening and are willing to support workable solutions.

You are a gift to society. Thank you! 

And, because of you, understandable and reliable government financial numbers are accessible to everyone!

Currently, the conversations on spending priorities are problematic because large parts of the financial picture is hidden. It's like conversing with someone who only hears every other word. 

It causes a lot of confusion! 

But, your support makes it possible for Truth in Accounting to have a robust educational platform where thoughtful and curious people can better understand the inner workings of government finance. 

We are the perfect springboard to educating elected officials.
Speaking of that, we have our model draft legislation ready! 

While this legislation is adaptable for any state, we must start small and work on legislative change in one place because of our limited resources.      [We welcome sponsors to expand this project; contact Judi at to help.] 

After 15 positive meetings with sitting Florida legislators, we are prepared to put this draft legislation into their hands and begin the lobbying process. 

If you live in Florida, please contact your elected officials about the legislation. If you need assistance with this, please contact Judi at

As Professor Jacob Soll says, "It's up to us if we want this changed." FYI: Check out his new upcoming book. It's another voice in the accounting desert proving our issue is gaining steam!

Lastly, for our Colorado supporters or those wanting to take a trip to Denver, we have a unique experience coming up on Oct. 11! 

We have only 20 spots available for a luncheon with our three panelists before our Oct. 11th program: Colorado and Utah, Findings from the Financial State of the State Report. It will be a personal and connective experience–a chance to network and engage in a small group with either myself, Jon Caldara, the President of the Independence Institute, or John Dougall, the State Auditor of Utah. 

Why did we pick Colorado and Utah? Because they are neighbors yet Utah consistently ranks in the top ten of the report, while Colorado waffles between a C and D grade year to year.

What is driving the difference? Are there differences in government services and quality of life? 

Find out more and register here. Registering for the panel discussion without the lunch option is also available. 

Now, I must get moving and finish triple-checking our work on the Financial State of the States report so it is ready for you by Oct. 11! 

We only exist for you and through you. Thank you for being part of the solution. Together, we will bring transparency and accuracy back to government accounting for the good of society!

In Truth,

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