
Annual Capital Campaign Initiatives

Resource Guide Creation: Our team is diligently working on developing a comprehensive Resource Guide. This invaluable tool will educate and empower citizens and elected officials alike on the complexities of government accounting, offering actionable solutions vetted by CPAs and various citizen groups.

Outreach and Awareness: Increased funding for outreach efforts allows us to amplify our message through press releases, media advertisements, and marketing campaigns. Together, we're raising awareness about the critical importance of transparent financial reporting for a representative form of government. People need to know about the issue before it can be solved. 

Educational Support for Student Interns: Your contribution directly impacts the educational journey of our student interns, providing them with real-world experiences and tools to become informed citizens and future leaders. By investing in our internship program, you're shaping the next generation of individuals equipped with the gold standard of government accounting.

Advocacy for Fiscal Transparency and Accountability: We continue our advocacy efforts aimed at state elected officials and citizens nationwide, pushing for the enactment of the Fiscal Transparency and Accountability Act. This legislation is pivotal in ensuring proper financial management at the local level, ultimately building a better future for communities across the nation. Communities can't thrive under the shadow of fiscal uncertainty. 

Your support is vital in driving these and other initiatives forward that can effect meaningful change. We invite you to contribute to our Annual Capital Campaign today and be a part of the movement toward fiscal responsibility and transparency in government.

Together, we can make a difference.